Našli ste 7 zadetkov

Napisal/-a ilmailija
10 Jan 2013, 13:01
Forum: HLG/SAL/DLG modeli
Tema: SALonit
Odgovori: 107
Ogledi: 95845

Re: SALonit

Yeah i guess i have to come to Slovenia to solve this with few friends ;) I heard its beautiful country, mountains and rivers.
Napisal/-a ilmailija
08 Jan 2013, 11:23
Forum: HLG/SAL/DLG modeli
Tema: SALonit
Odgovori: 107
Ogledi: 95845

Re: SALonit

Not a single word from him! Anyone heard of this robber? As long as i know, Salonits and Apus are keywords for being ripped from your money!
Napisal/-a ilmailija
20 Sep 2012, 15:40
Forum: HLG/SAL/DLG modeli
Tema: SALonit
Odgovori: 107
Ogledi: 95845

Re: SALonit

WEll, its been month, and we have not heard from this conman :( I know he shows up in contest around europe, so poke hes elbow for me, if u see him, and ask why he took our money? He is very public person in the f3k scene afterall? He even promised to send nr1 and nr2 of hes new plane apus product l...
Napisal/-a ilmailija
20 Avg 2012, 09:06
Forum: HLG/SAL/DLG modeli
Tema: SALonit
Odgovori: 107
Ogledi: 95845

Re: SALonit

Im sure the salonit is "a nice model", i would like to receive mine too, not waiting it for third year.. Afterall it was promised to me in 3 weeks back in 2010! My reason to bring this to the public is to warn people about this guy selling salonits. Think twice about where you send your mo...
Napisal/-a ilmailija
15 Avg 2012, 20:21
Forum: HLG/SAL/DLG modeli
Tema: SALonit
Odgovori: 107
Ogledi: 95845

Re: SALonit

This shit is just getting deeper, the packages were shipped to me, but they "somehow" send the packet from here Finland back to slovenia.. Now the packet "has" been on the mail for over month once again.. ANd no information from him in email, only times we get to talk to him, is ...
Napisal/-a ilmailija
17 Jun 2012, 17:47
Forum: HLG/SAL/DLG modeli
Tema: SALonit
Odgovori: 107
Ogledi: 95845

Re: SALonit

Seems like Rok ripped my money and ran away, no anwers in email anymore. He said the planes were shipped, but its been over a month, should have arrived in less than 10 days.
Napisal/-a ilmailija
31 Mar 2012, 19:59
Forum: HLG/SAL/DLG modeli
Tema: SALonit
Odgovori: 107
Ogledi: 95845

Re: SALonit

How long did you have to wait for one plane to arrive? Ive already waited for almost 2 years and still nothing. Plane has been paid since day 1, and was eager to get it in 3 weeks, but that didnt happen. Its been 96 weeks already.. Everytime i ask for the plane, answer is "next week" or th...

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